The Oregon Air National Guard’s 142nd Fighter Wing basedout of Portland International Airport will continue its 70-year mission ofprotecting the Pacific Northwestern skies, following today’s approval of a50-year lease by the Port of Portland Commission.
The Portland Air National Guard Base at PDX is home ofthe 142nd Fighter Wing, which safeguards the airspace and coastal watersfrom northern California to the Canadian border with F-15 Eagles on a 24-houralert. In addition to the aerospace control alert at PDX, operational andtraining missions take 142nd Fighter Wing units around the globe in support ofAir Expeditionary Force missions and contingency operations including druginterdiction.
At home, the Governor can activate the Oregon ANG toprovide protection of life and property, and preserve peace, order and publicsafety. State missions include disaster relief in times of earthquakes, floodsand forest fires; search and rescue, protection of vital public services, andsupport to civil defense.
The Portland Air National Guard Base supports theregion’s economy by paying more than $44 million in annual salaries to Guardmembers who live in Oregon and Washington, and providing approximately 1,500jobs.
“For more than 60 years, Portland’s Air National Guardfacility has provided protection in the skies from California to the Canadianborder and been an economic driver in this area,” Sen. Ron Wyden said. “Thisdeal will not only preserve the 1,500 jobs in Oregon right now, it will set thestage for further investment in the base that could result in even moreeconomic development in the future.”
Sen. Wyden and other partners plan to attend a leasesigning celebration at noon Jan. 16 at the Portland Air National Guard Base.
“The leadership of the Port of Portland, the ORANG andSen. Wyden have made this happen,” said Maj. Gen. Raymond F. Rees, AdjutantGeneral, Oregon. “This lease is absolutely vital to the future of the 142ndFighter Wing and the ORANG. The citizens of Oregon and the entire Northwest arenow assured that this premier air defense unit will continue to protect theirskies.”
“We’re pleased to continue helping meet the security andcivil defense needs of our nation, state and community, and commend Sen. Wydenfor his efforts on the agreement,” said Bill Wyatt, Port executive director.“Oregon Air National Guard has proven a great airport partner, and this newagreement allows them to continue their vital mission at PDX, while at the sametime allowing us to expand the airport if needed in the future to accommodatethe air travel and cargo needs of our community.”
Under the primary terms of the agreement, the existingOregon ANG lease of 240 acres will reduce to 195 acres over the next 20 yearsto allow use of some facilities for commercial aviation activities, such asaircraft parking. In the event that planning for a third parallel runwaybecomes necessary, the leasehold will reduce to 128 acres, but will not occurfor at least 30 years.
Under a joint use agreement, the military will pay$368,000 annually for use of taxiways and runways. Under other agreements, themilitary will pay $60,000 annually toward the operation and maintenance of thePDX deicing stormwater runoff collection system. The military will also fundits proportionate share of capital improvements that benefit and support theiroperations at PDX.
Oregon ANG’s original lease at PDX dates back to1949; was amended in 1981, and was set to expire in 2029. The recently adoptedPDX Master Plan, which developed with extensive community involvement,indicated that the leasehold is an appropriate location for military use.
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