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Compiledfrom International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2012 – An Afghanand coalition security force detained a Taliban weapons facilitator in theZharay district of Kandahar province today, military officials reported.
Officials said the facilitatorcoordinated the transportation and storage of equipment and supplies used ininsurgent attacks across the region.
The security force also detained severalsuspected insurgents, officials said.
In other Afghanistan operations today:
-- In the Tsamkani district of Paktiyaprovince, a combined force searching for a Haqqani leader called in anairstrike that killed several insurgents. The leader is responsible for coordinating,financing and leading attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. No civilianshad been harmed and no property had been damaged.
-- A combined force detained a Haqqanileader and several suspected insurgents in the Sharan district of Paktikaprovince. The detained Haqqani leader was responsible for building improvisedexplosive devices used throughout the region. He also provided IED instructionto other Haqqani insurgents.
In June 26 operations:
-- A combined force killed multipleinsurgents, detained several others and seized a weapons cache containing sixrocket-propelled grenades, six IEDs, some homemade explosives, eight AK-47rifles, one machine gun, three grenades, and communications equipment in theShahid-e Hasas district of Uruzgan province.
-- A combined force killed one insurgentduring a firefight in Ghazni province’s Gelan district.
-- Coalition forces killed two insurgentsin the Qarah Bagh district of Ghazni province.
-- A combined force detained twoinsurgents in Khowst province’s Sperah district.
-- A combined force discovered a cachecontaining some RPGs in Khowst province’s Nadir Shah Kot district.
-- A combined force killed sixinsurgents and detained three others in Logar province’s Pul-E Alam district.
-- A combined force detained 12insurgents in Nangarhar province’s Khugyani district.
-- Afghan police and coalition forcesdiscovered a cache containing several mortar rounds in the Deh Bala district ofNangarhar province.
-- Afghan police and coalition forcesdetained three insurgents in Parwan province’s Bagram district.
-- Afghan soldiers and coalition forceskilled one insurgent in the Siaghird district of Parwan province.
And on June 24, a combined forcecaptured an insurgent leader in the Tarin Kot district of Uruzgan province. Thedetained insurgent had planned, directed and executed attacks against Afghanand coalition forces.
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